Receiving from God 6

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 4:20-22 KJV

20 My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.
21 Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.
22 For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.

In today’s lesson we will continue to explore the subject of “Receiving from God”. “Receiving from God” is special and holy, however, it is not as hard or mysterious as some would lead us to believe. In a previous lesson we talked about receiving from God when we pray. We mentioned that it is an instantaneous transaction that occurs right when you pray. In another lesson we mentioned that a key to “receiving from God” is your belief in God’s Word. You acknowledge God’s Word as truth by simply believing in what God said, then on purpose “believing you received God’s Word (which is His Will and His Way)” into your heart. We must be sure to acknowledge that “we believe we received” God’s Word into our heart because it goes into the heart (your spirit) first, then it comes out of your mouth to affect this natural realm. Since the natural realm operates on a much slower speed we must be patience until we physically see the promise of God come to pass in the physical realm of our lives. We also spoke in one lesson about “receiving from God” through the ear-gate which basically means you have natural ears and spiritual ears that both should be selective on what they are hearing. As Christians, we are either hearing what is good and right unto the glory of God or we are hearing idle or evil things that could hurt us and others. We previously mentioned that receiving from God through the ministry of Jesus requires focus on exactly what you want from God and approaching God’s Will as being your will too. This basically means trusting God as your healer, provision, mental stability and foundation for all things pertaining to life and godliness. We also mentioned “receiving from God” in the dispensation of the New Testament is based upon “receiving Jesus Christ” in your life. This first step allows you to “receive” from God spiritually and your spiritual reception of the Life of God will positively alter (enhance) the mental and physical aspects of your life for the better. In this lesson we will examine “receiving from God” through the "eye gates". Focusing our "eye’s" upon today’s scripture reveals that we are to “attend to God Words”. Notice the scripture said “words” (plural) not just one word we (ihlcc) point that out because many people (Christians included) like to focus upon the scripture they like but we are trained by the Word of God, Himself to “receive” the whole counsel of God. We should be mature enough to rejoice over the scriptures that promise us great blessings from God while at the same time we praise God for the scriptures that are enlightening us on how to grow in God. Yes, we know that the sight of your “eyes” is a constant battle because TV, internet, your cell phone and some form of entertainment will try to capture your “attention” all day long and even into the night time, if allowed. This is why the scripture states: “attend to my (God’s) words” because giving our attention solely to God’s Word requires discipline and dedication. We must be discipline enough to schedule time with God on a daily basis and we also must be dedicated enough to choose a time and place that is private, void of all distraction. Giving “attention to God’s Words” basically means to put God’s Word first in your life. If we purpose to wake up with God’s Word and also go to sleep with God’s Word while we ponder the Word of God all during the day we have accomplished the teaching by God’s Word to “attend to God’s Word”. Now we (ihlcc) are not recommending walking around with your Holy Bible open all day long and every 10 minutes look at scripture to quote God’s Word out loud. No, what we are recommending and endorsing is spending an early part of your day with God through prayer, praise and communion/meditation with God’s Word and during the rest of your day you ponder what God’s Word states about any situation you are dealing with. This gives the Lord Jesus place in your everyday life and allows Him access into your mind to renew your thinking which can lead to the revelation and understanding you need to gain victory in all you do upon this earth. Then at the end of the day spend some time praising and worshipping God for who He Is. You could also use this second meeting with God to cogitate upon the scriptures that are enlightening your heart at that time. If your meetings with God last for an hour or just a half of hour each time it is always better than no dedicated time with God at all. Doing this on a daily basis allows two very significant things: 1st it allows the word of God to get fully developed in your heart while 2ndly it allows your spirit man (the inner you) to feed upon your last diet before you go to bed. You definitely don’t what to go to bed after an argument with your spouse or go to sleep feeding upon a horror movie. Yes, any negative thing done later in the evening before you go to sleep can cause some problems that night. Remember Psalms 101:3a KJV which states, “I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes:” and Ephesians 4:26-27 KJV which states, “Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: Neither give place to the devil.” Why are we encouraged to keep our “eye gates” holy and clean because unholy and unhealthy scenes or words looked upon by our eyes can give the devil place in our heart. Remember we are to give our “sincere attention to God’s Word”, not the kingdom of darkness. Yes, for sure “we receive from God” by our “eyes” and all the good things we see in God’s Word we are not to let them get out of our sight. This means we must keep the ever living, ever loving, ever powerful and never failing Word of God in front of our “eyes” during the time when you are awake and preparing your heart for the night season by focusing on certain promises of God before you go to bed that you desire to digest during the night season of rest/sleep. Yes, when you have some idle time during the day (and all people have some idle time if they look for it) just ponder and softly confess the promise of God that you desire for that time. Doing this on a consistent basis is “attending to God’s Word” and because you keep your eyes away from all evil and distractions you are “keeping God’s Word in the midst of your heart” to bring life unto your very being and health to all your flesh. Our prayer and desire for you is Psalm 119:17-18 KJV which states: “Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy word. Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. This is the summary of the whole lesson because if we will humble ourselves to openly look at God’s Word He shall “open your eyes” spiritually to see the awesome revelations contained inside His Word. The more time we spend in God’s Word the more beautiful and awesome The Lord Jesus looks to us. For to know Him is to love Him but we must first “see Him” to even understand Him and then that deeper understanding of God comes from seeking a more closer fellowship with God through the “eye gates”. Our eyes can see deeper into God’s Heart and these same eyes allow God to look deeper into our soul. So if our eyes are single upon God’s Holy Bible Oh how great is that Light of Jesus Christ. Amen!